Easter Boy’s Club
As the Easter season has come and gone, I am caught reflecting on the truths of the resurrection story and how they apply so deeply to every single life. Boy’s Club last week focused on the purpose of Easter and the reason we celebrate what we do.
Some younger boys and myself opened up in a conversation. I posed the question, “why do we celebrate Easter?” There were some confused and mixed responses. One boy said it was when the first bunny rabbit was born and that’s why we celebrate. Another boy stated he thought we celebrated Easter because its when spring starts and it’s finally nice outside. The third was puzzled and simply didn’t know.
So we started talking about the truths of the gospel. That Jesus was all man and all God, that he lived the perfect life that we could never, that he put back together the relationship between us and God, and that by believing in him we will never die.
One would think that these concepts would be impossible to understand for third graders who can still barely read. However, with plain language and imagery, anything is possible.
To conclude our time together we each drew a picture of the cross of Christ with him hangin on it. Each boy was so proud of their drawings that they each asked for it to be hung on the refrigerator in the trailer or to be taken home as a gift for their parents.
At the end the most amazing and unexpected thing happened. One of the boys said he was so so excited to go and tell all his family and friends about Jesus because he thought he was worth talking about. How simple the gospel can be, and how complicated adults can make it. Let us have the eyes of a child when we come to the throne of our Lord. This is what I learned through them at Boys Club last week, and for that I am thankful.